Existential Crisis

Our struggle to succeed in life begins even before we are born. Millions of sperms racing, but there is only one winner. To my understanding there is no element of life in this, still its a race that science has taught us.

Once we are born, the shape that we take is also kind of a race because if you manage to grow up having a penis then you apparently have an edge over those who don't. But be careful, if you have grown up having dicks and boobs both at the same time then you are most likely to be screwed by everyone else in this world. And if you have some other deformity ranging from mental to physical despite having the right genitals, still you are most likely to be looked down upon, either with sympathy or disgust. You will never be treated equally.

But what do we get by establishing a patrilineal society?

You now grow old in this beautiful world but for what purpose? You now have to start running, not because you want to explore the mysteries of this world but because you are a contender in the race of who comes first. Because if you come first in education or sports you make your parents proud. Else you are just a disgrace. Your battle begins in different ways and all you want to be is a winner. But why? We read not for the sake of knowledge but to clear our exams!

We have ended up in a world of competition but was this the sole purpose of life?

You may think that once you are done with the education phase you will find the time to explore the meaning of life, find who you are and what you are meant to be. Find answers to question like why are we born? Did the big bang really happen? Are there more dimensions than what is perceived by human eyes? Am I just a parasite living in someone else's body like how millions of microbes live inside of me? Is his/her body my universe?

But instead of making the right use of our knowledge that we have earned through so many years of hard work we rather get into the line of proving our financial status. We take up jobs, start a business, play some sport or do something that can help us mint money. While proving our financial status we take part in races like how many houses or cars or other luxuries we can buy, in which we try to find our happiness.

Is everything in our life just economic? Is this the purpose of living?

Some talk about family, friends, and love. They get into the race of having more people who care for them. But does having a family, someone to love and a few people who care for you such as friends or society the reason why you are alive?

Is that why you tend to make decisions as per their opinion?

What good is our life if this is all we do? Fight others who are just the same as you in the name of religion or country or something else. Keep fighting with your spouse or friends or family. Without realizing anything just get into the race of how rich will you be when you die.

There is surely no denying that you might need to fight in a competitive environment to make your place in this world, you need all the luxury to feel satisfied and some people who love you to make you feel good but still the question of what is the purpose of your existence is unanswered.

Only if you could wear the glasses of curiosity you would come to realize that there is so much yet to be explored. We all need to come together not to make more cars or build more gadgets. All these luxury would be an eventual outcome of our advancement. The real advancement, which would come only when the unknown is known. And hence we find the real purpose of our existence because we will then have answers to why we are born or what purpose do we serve during our lifespan.
